time with them. he takes a real sense of pride in everyone who works here. >> reporter: both coda and ben will be sting with the obamas after january 20th. ey'll join the former political director of the white house who is now ceo of the obama foundation. ayman? >> nbc's skris jansing in washington, d.c. thank you. a programming note -- an intimate look boo into the challenges and successes of barack obama. if you missed andrea mitchell's powerful interview with vice president joe biden, you're in luck. we'll bring it to you in it entirety today at 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. that's full for me this saturday afternoon. i'm ayman mohyeldin. thanks for joining me. richard lui picks up our coverage from here. he'll have much more on the preparations for next week's inauguration, including the celebrity who just canceled her performance.