now, but i think that it's going to be important for all of us for members of congress, but most of all for americans to understand the full extent of foreign interference with our elections. we know from reporting that russia has done this in other countries, and it's also important because going forward, unless we fight back strongly, russia's going to be encouraged to do this again. i don't think that vladimir putin is going to stop if he feels it was a weak response and he's going to do it to germany and other countries if he feels he can get away with it. >> how much responsibility does the obama administration carry in this situation? should they have acted sooner in responding to the evidence of russian hacking and would that have had any impact potentially on the election? could it shut it down? >> well, remember, the obama administration was fairly tough with russia. our relationship of course over the last several years has gone downhill, but remember, they gathered a group of nations to