fight voter suppression and react to grassroots politics in this country. the truth is the very rich are becoming much richer. 4e million living in poverty and middle class declining. we have got to bring people together to create a government and an economy that works for all and i'm pledged to do everything that i can to make that happen. >> i would like to go on some of those trips. we will follow you, if you'll let us. >> oh, my god. we would love to have you. i'll tell you something else i think. i did an event with cnn yesterday and we are doing something with msnbc. we need to have town meetings, not just all of these talking heads, in all due respect, on television. go out. ask the mothers of this country whether they can afford $15,000 a year for child care. ask a low wage worker whether you can survive on nine bucks an hour. talk to some of the elderly people in this country who have nothing in the bank! as they face retirement. ask a disabled veteran if they are making it on $13,000 a year