as this elite target, this elise force that was not out there for anybody but themselves and their own special interests and not out for the american public and by undercutting us, he took away all of the ability to hold him up to facts, to hold him accountable for what he said because he made us people who were never telling the truth. >> unintentionally, gabe, he didn't make us a pac. he's basically saying there are good people and bad people. he didn't accuse the press, going back to joe mccarthy was mentioned by hugh, he didn't go to the jackal pack, what do you make of his tactics generally? >> today especially was fascinating because it was a divide-and-conquer strategy. i was at the press conference this morning and by singling out zzfe and cnn he tried to play to the other members of the press corps and it was effective and i thought by donald trump standards he was calm, confident, jocular, mixing it up with reporters and fundamentally he did not answer the substantive questions about his finances and conflicts of