could provide him with a little something. they would have to hand over 20% of the company. shares worth roughly $4 billion. he said they could hand that over, what do we call it, an administrative fee? they would have to hand that over through him. he would pass the money on to the president and vice president of indonesia. and that is how freeport could get their new contract with the government of indonesia. it's a classic shakedown, right? and it was caught on tape. and the tape went public in indonesia just a few weeks after donald trump inexplicably introduced this guy to the american press corps during the republican primary in the lobby of trump tower when he was making that announcement about the stupid pledge. and here we're all like, who's that guy? in indonesia, that's one of the most powerful politicians in that huge country. and he's caught red handed and it's on tape, and the tape goes public. huge scandal. the tapes were lurid. they were played over and over again in the indonesian media.