of that in our own time. >> as president obama gets ready to leave the white house, does he have 18 days left there, how do you read his legacy? what do you think we'll be talking about, historians will be talking about decades from now? >> i think his legacy is absolutely split down the middle. on the one hand, one can say all kinds of positive things. he might have saved us from a great depression and a financial collapse. saved the automobile industry, put forward regulations designed to prevent another meltdown. of course, passed the affordable care act, something that's elude the presidents for decades. he might have asserted a nuclear arms race in the middle east. he's opened up cuba. on the other hand, he has forgotten what the great iconic democratic president franklin roosevelt always taught, and that is, you not only have to be an innovator of policy, have you to be a party-builder. that's where obama has fallen