he says his job as a band tour bus driver led him to drug addiction, and it was all downhill from there. >> it's a lot faster pace on that west coast than it is for a little country boy from florida. so it was a little different world out there. >> during his first prison term, mccrory was less than a model inmate. >> the first couple, i smoked me a little reefer, drank me some wine, didn't care, didn't make no difference. i just did what i wanted to. this time, i tried to do it the way it should be done. the staff looks at you a little different than when you're not an idiot than just all the time getting in trouble. >> mccrory has another reason for wanting to stay out of trouble. two years ago, he found out he had a 16-year-old son. >> his mother kept him. he had -- when we separated, she was just a couple months pregnant. i didn't know. she was so tiny. you couldn't tell. and i didn't have any idea. so she kept him hid for 16 years of his life.