critical. in the case of beverly carter, police had a feeling that she hadn't disappeared voluntarily, and the clock was ticking. it was time to start talking to those closest to beverly, including her husband. andrea canning picks up with "the client." >> as the sun rose the next morning, there was still no sign of beverly carter. her family and friends were out searching. >> we had beautiful 8 x 10 color fliers that we were posting everywhere. >> she had just had some new head shots done. >> we had hundreds. >> and hundreds of people joined search parties all over the area. >> her family, her office family came together and we had realtors from all over the state helping us. and by that afternoon, we had the search set up and everybody had an assignment. >> many realtors felt this was personal. one of their own while out doing her job had gone missing. and agents were already on alert. in recent years there had been a