that's what i'm hearing from dylann roof, that white people are the superior race. >> this distinction that some people are going for, i'm not a white supremacist but a white nationalist is a crazy lie. they absolutely believe in superiority. >> absolutely. the thing that was apparently the trigger with dylann roof was these misstatistical, this mystical statistical information that black people are killing white people in huge, huge percentages which is absolutely not true. >> which is something donald trump tweeted, a lie he tweeted. >> it's totally untrue. if you look at the fbi crime stats, crimes happen within groups. more black people unfortunately kill black people than white people. and the same thing is true for white people. so this idea that there's this white genocide going on perpetuated by the black race is just crazy, and also i've just got to say that even talking about this, legitimatizing it even by talking about it makes me really ill.