>> really did. what about sam stein for rnc chair? >> i will not serve in that position? >> why not? >> i don't think i'm suited for it to be honest with you. i haven't really thought about it much. i probably shouldn't do it. >> first time since founding of the republic we've had two straight two term presidents and won election because they started running for reelection the day after they won and rnc is key to that project. >> especially given their success. >> david ignatius, what is it about the political culture that we live in that it seems to be the most vicious than it's been since 1800 or since precivil war times when they would cane people on the house floor but pretty vicious by 21st century standards and yet first time since the founding of our republic that we had three presidents that were reelected. >> we have a yearning for government to work but things that drive the wedge deeper and