you know, i have been so impressed with how they've gone about the cabinet selection. >> yeah. >> i think he's listened to advisers. i think he's made studied decisions of the decisions that have been made. some people are frustrated because there's some other decisions that haven't been made. >> sure. >> but i think it's because he wants to have the information at hand before he actually enacts it. >> i'm going to call the standard which i think is the standard that i think should be followed, the burgess standard. we'll get you back on the show. >> and i'll try to tilt it to the hayes/tildon conflict again. >> professor, we've got a few things before us. one is there are some folks -- so in a strict statutory sense, it does seem to be the case that there is no statutory law that says the president has to divest. there are, however -- >> right. >> -- it has seemed some constitutional issues. how serious do you see those? >> i think they're very serious. the constitution specifies that