we can give him whatever. if problems is what he wants, he says he'll give us the problems. >> whenever he doesn't get his way, he will become disruptive. just the other night he was upset. he started tearing the bunk off the cell wall. he is constantly having to be placed in our emergency restraint chair. >> i like the chair. i like the chair. >> and it doesn't bother him when we put him in the emergency restraint chair. >> he always seems to find ways to mutilate himself. secret a razor blade between his teeth or wherever he can place it. i believe this is his way of getting attention. >> a lot of people, negative attention is the only attention they know how to get. is it appropriate? no. are there better ways to try to get attention? yes. is this the only thing he know to do? probably so. >> due to his unprekickable behavior, guerra will remain housed in the observation unit