pass from his first six months from those hard core supporters because they trust in him and trust in his judgment. you've seen that with some of his most hard core supporters when faced with the mitt romney pick, they say, we trust donald trump's judgment if he thinks donald trump should be secretary of state. looking at that "new york times" editorial board and interview with the reporters, i really almost see it as trump moderating his viewers with the audience. he's more a liberal audience and telling them more of what they want to hear. he's been quite good of that on the campaign trail and would even say, if he could see the audience's interest, you know, on the decline, he would spice it up and throw out, you know, some nice sound bites that would capture the audience and the press's attention. so, i think that what he says to the audience is one thing. what i'm looking forward to is how he's going to govern and what the policies are that he believes in and that he's going to push and use the power of the presidency. >> we had a siting of hillary