walk to school like that. i didn't like that. i kind of vowed to myself, man, i don't like this thing. and here i am, makes me feel good so that's it. that's my story and i'm sticking to it. >> ivy has taken issue with the latest incident involving the jail's largest gang, the heartless felons. after several heartless felons attempted to steal commissary from another inmate, ivey put housing unit 10-c on 23 and 1 lockup status. >> that means you're going to be locked down for 23 hours. you come out one hour a day. >> reaction was terrible. inmates was kicking and banging and screaming and yelling out the doors. >> ivy has taken notice. >> i came up to bring my paperwork up and once i got up here i heard kicking and banging on c-pod. went over there to find out what was going on. >> got everybody out? i like to put my own signature on things.