been the case for this entire campaign. with stephen bannon writing the rhetoric that was coming out of his mouth every day on the campaign trail, when he was talking about a globalist cabal of bankers and elites that hillary clinton was trying to rig the system and steal the presiden. as benjy was saying, i think a lot of republicans hoped that trump would get into office and forget about all of that and sign the ryan budget and do whatever republicans in congress wanted. and this is proof that these guys are coming with him to the white house. people like steve bannon are actually his belief system. and stephen bannon doesn't believe in the old left versus right paradox. >> the happy people now are saying, he's transactional. he only cut those deals with the crazies to get here. but it looks like he's not transactional. looks like these communal. >> the roundtable is staying with us, and up next, these guys will tell me more things i don't know. this is "hardball," the place for politics.