>> he had been questioned to the point that he almost felt like they thought he had done this. >> son aaron also got called down to the station that same evening. he, too, was questioned about his parents' marriage. >> notice anything lately in their relationship as far as any problems or anything like that? that you're aware of anything? >> no. nothing. was there any money troubles, was there any relationship things that we knew of. >> but to a person in the griffiths' circle, the very idea that keith might know something about julie's death was, well, just flat-out crazy. >> i knew he didn't do it. >> there wasn't any way that keith was involved in this. i remember sitting there, and looking over at keith, just watching him for a while. and finally i just said, you can't even grieve, can you? and he said, no, they've taken it all away. >> the friends' working theory