talk about substantive issues. we talk about the fights that are coming up. because we have to be ready to mobilize on specif issues when the time comes. we're not going to fight every issue every minute of every day. we're going to be smart, we're going to be organized, we're going to use our time and our talents in a strategic and careful way, but we are going to fight back. we are not turning this country over to what donald trump has sold. we are just not. >> we're now seeing, including tonight, big, vocal protests and they're pretty spontaneous. >> yep. >> nobody planned on donald trump being president anywhere in the ideological number line but people who were upset about it by the thousands turned out last night and by the thousands are turning out tonight. we're seeing huge numbers of people in baltimore tonight and some other cities. do you think that is healthy. do you support those protests? do you encourage people to