why hillary clinton and paul ryan are more alike than paul ryan is like donald trump. >> where are we getting here? >> i think that's the, that's really the question that i think, paul ryan and his freedom caucus, he's going to step into if trump loses this thing. a giant mess that's tearing the republican party apart. he's going to have to decide, am i going to cut a deal with hillary clinton and push this farther away and hillary clinton similarly, you already have progressives with warren and bernie sanders threatening her. >> if trump loses, guys, he's still going to get about 40 something%. what's that going to go? republicans quoing to grab it back? democrats going to make a bid for it? >> you've got two people here who are pundits and you don't need one more. what i do think is that at a broader level, it's a, it is a true clash of sifl civilization and we are a at where that 47% remits a group of people who for whom either capitalism as we