have sensed real momentum since i joined the ticket. >> john? >> we were talking earlier about this story that came out in bloomberg business week yesterday that got an extraordinary amount of access to the trump/pence campaign. one of the things that has attracted a lot of attention is o"from a senior official who said we have three major voter suppression operations under way and details what the operations are related to african-american voters, women voters and some voters on the left. is that okay for your campaign to be involved in voter suppression. >> number one, i haven't read the article. that's -- that's offensive to me, that kind of language. it's not our operation. donald trump and i want every american who has the opportunity to vote to vote in this election. that's our message. to tell the american people that this country really belongs to them. we can have government as good as our people again, but it's going to take all of us. and you saw donald trump this week in charlotte coming out and saying that people that haven't