donald trump were making a comprehensive case, it goes back to nixon, you know this chris, an old saw and true saw in the republican cannon that you don't get a fair shake. but you got to deal with it by focussing on issues, not on the problem of bias. >> you think that's true? do you think that's true? i look at joe biden, he's not elite. i look at bobby of pennsylvania, i don't think he is elite. i look at toomey, he is not elite. who are the elite in the media? give me the names. >> if we ask people like donald trump or people like bernie sanders, they are both going after some of the same people. talking about the "new york times." about the washington post. and really this is something i think that is kind of an effective argument because people do feel when they go and get the news that they are really getting it from these people who have some sort of plan to rig this election or rig the economy or don't want to cover the real issues. when the media is covering the news of the day and what we think is important. there are value judgments.