the advancement project a. trump is basically say, keep an eye out for the big urban cities with large seniority populations and if you're from somewhere else, basically, get in your car on election day, as a private citizen, drive into some neighborhood where you think there might be, might be voting cheating of some kind, impersonation, whatever, and blow the whistle on it. is that feasible? can we imagine that actually happening? and if so, what would be the impact? if, say, somebody from a suburb goes into a black community, a minority community and starts blowing the whistle. because in philadelphia, there were 59 voting divisions where you didn't get a single vote for mitt romney and i believe it's because nobody voted for mitt romney, but they may have different suspicions. your thoughts? >> first, let's be clear about this, chris. there's clearly racism behind this. from, first of all, saying that there's the bogeyman of voter fraud. and by the way, my supporters, that bogeyman are -- those are