we're going to stay for a little while longer until we hear from george w. bush and vice president al gore. >> al gore's campaign strategist rushes to warn him not to concede. >> the only thing you could do because the vice president wasn't answering his phone was call david moorehouse. the trip director. he was told, when he gets out of the car, you have to take him to holding. so the car pulls up. gore gets out. he said, i'm going straight to the stage. david said, no, we have to go to the holding room. he said something like, why do we -- carter and bob said we have to go to the holding room. i arrived breathless in the holding room as he was wrapping up his phone conversation with george w. bush where he was withdrawing his concession. >> tipper is probably saying to al, are you going to kiss and say good-bye now or wait for the recount. >> but there was a great moment where bush says, my brother says