>> reporter: where does that levy? >> erring on the side of trump. >> when it comes to women, the monkey poll shows hillary clinton leads donald trump in every age group. tell me how you get over character concerns with trump? >> i don't think you get over it. i have to trust he's going to put good people around him that will help guide him in making good, sound decisions. and pray he can hold it together four years. >> i have a hard time with donald trump because a lot of what he says goes back and forth so much, you can actually watch him contradict himself. >> reporter: what advice would you give mr. trump if here? >> needs to be humble. admit he's done some pretty awful things and needs to turn it around and start being the trump who was nominated. >> any leader that admits to treating women in a certain way, hard to say they are a good choice to be a leader of the free world. >> reporter: historically women voted higher numbers than man. in 2012, 53% of voters were