of the major newspapers, most of the networks. >> and that was former new york city mayor rudy giuliani explaining this morning what donald trump means when he says the election is rigged. joining me now is paul singer for "usa today." good morning, paul. if this argument isn't buying him much among the undecided voters, what is the point of pushing it? >> well, donald trump can't lose. donald trump's entire brand is about winning. that's what donald trump has been saying throughout the campaign, we're going to win so much, it is going to make you sick of winning. so donald trump can't lose. so if he does not actually win, something else must have happened. and in this case, what happened is he was cheated. he was cheated by a rigged system, cheated by the press, cheated by illegal votes. i believe in trump's mind he can't and for his brand he can't lose, there has to be some other explanation for an outcome if it is an outcome other than donald