did not want to be kissed by him. that story we have yet to talk about tonight. this is yet another allegation against donald trump. it's also going to be the subject of an interview tomorrow with a woman who said this happened on the today show. so i've got a couple of different things in the hopper right now. we've got this new statement. we've got this new allegation. we just found out what is going to be happening on the "today" show tomorrow and nbc's election chief live here in the studio, and he never does that but he is here with us because we have new data. please stay with us there is a lot going on. a t deal. saving the moolah. [ chuckles ] as you can see, sometimes progressive isn't the lowest. not always the lowest! jamie. what are you doing? -i'm being your hype man. not right now. you said i was gonna be the hype man. no, we said we wouldn't do it. i'm sorry, we were talking about savings. i liked his way. cha-ching! talking about getting that moneeeey! talking about getting that moneeeey! savings worth the hype. now that's progressive.