long time. i do remember that kind of talk about 40 years ago. but, that is pretty much out of date. >> but you know who has the most immediate political problem, in addition to donald trump, the speaker of the house. paul ryan is making his first public appearance tomorrow in wisconsin with donald trump. on the same stage. and this goes against everything that is this -- this figure of rectitude, paul ryan's family believes in. >> what's mike pence going to n quickly separating himself. >> he has already. >> but he's saying, here proves everything i've said about the guy. >> i think this is going to require much more from trump than we've seen. because if there are men who talk this way, and i don't doubt that there are, here's the difference. welcome back to "hardball." he's a man who is, a, on tape, trump tower has been rocked by and b, on the presidential the news of the leaked ticket. and you cannot let this stand. recordings from 2005 of donald trump making lewd comments about he is going to have to say, this