really, this new hampshire primary is now down to a choice between me and marco rubio and everybody knows it. senator rubio knows it. i know it. that's why he's engaged me and why i'm engaged with him because we know it's down to a choice between me and senator rubio. i'm always hopeful. i'm hopeful the boy in the bubble will come out of the bubble. if he does, the governor of new jersey will be waiting for him. we're going to see if senator rubio can handle the heat this week. it's going to get hot in new hampshire. we have a date saturday night. i'm looking forward to it. >> for a second straight day here in new hampshire, governor chris christie is trying his very, very best, trying his hardest putting all f his former federal prosecutor muscle behind it to try to make the boy in the bubble nickname for marco rubio catch on. he's trying to make himself half of a top-tier fight between