it's not just young people. it is working class people, it is middle class people, who are sick and tired of status quo politics, that's true in iowa, true in new hampshire, true all over this country. >> you don't think you're going to be a problem for house democrats who don't want to run on raising taxes? >> no. i think, in fact, hillary clinton will be the problem because i think our campaign is the campaign that's generating excitement and energy that will result in a high voter turnout. republicans win when voter turnout is low. democrats win when voter turnout is high. i think our campaign is raising the issue about a rigged economy, a corrupt campaign finance system. second clinton yesterday, just announced i suppose with pride, her super pac brought in $45 million. i don't have a super pac. our average contribution is 27 bucks. >> joining me now, former congressman and hillary clinton supporter, barney frank.