said "go back to iraq." deb says he has never even been. joining me now, olivia nuzzi, political reporter for the daily beast. here's my first question. people talk about, you know, the iowa republican caucusgoers are not necessarily representative of the national party. but i've got to think, i've got to think even among them people don't like a white nationalist calling them up and saying we need more -- i mean, it it just seems like maybe there's going to be a backlash when like explicitly white -- they call themselves white nationalists. i will call them white supremacist groups. are cheering on a candidate. >> i'm not as confident of that as you seem to be. i think donald trump may be the only candidate who is not going to be -- would not be negatively affected by white nationalists coming out to support him. i mean, anecdotally back in october i covered a white national involvement convention here in washington and i saw people coming in with make america great again hats on. anytime i talk to trump supporters pretty much whether it's in person or on the phone, they're very preoccupied with