but jeb bush, once again make way for jeb bush. jeb bush in iowa right now is minus 23 in terms of his favorable versus his unfavorable numbers. minus 23. one of these kids is not like the others. the gallup organization has stepped away from straight up horse-race polling this year. but even the gallup organization was so shocked about what has been happening to jeb bush and his numbers that they did basically a sort of special report, a special polling report on how bad jeb bush's campaign is, how jeb bush's campaign appears to be working backwards. these are jeb bush's favorable and unfavorable numbers over of the course of the campaign. this is basically since he started running this past summer. the line up at the top that's vaguely going down that's his favorable numbers. the line at the bottom that is going up that's his unfavorable numbers. and you will notice as we get close to now that they have