hypermanaged and sudisciplined. how many times have we seen the new hillary, the grandma hillary. it is stale the same old hill tri, li hillary. like it or not, that's who she is. whenever she is the subject of great attacks, that's when her popularity rises. that's when she goes up in the polls. >> when her back's against the wall. >> they love to swing. >> that lebanon-benghazi infomercial was the high point of her campaign. >> this question of when you show your humanity is based on things like race and gender and class. who has the ability to always be their full lives and when is it a strategy if you are of color, if you're a woman, it is a strategy for you to show your full self. think about the timing of that you have to think about when it happened to you in conversation, what the context was. it is always this very methodical process of being human in public. >> saying the president's going to have his blackness weighed,