i mean, mac just took off and he went to go talk to art because i think the same thing was in both of our minds -- now it's time to find the body. >> he says, ed, don't have a memorial service. i'm going to find cindy. >> it was a promise mac had made to cindy's father and the rest of the family. cindy's case would stay open on his desk until her body was found. >> so i went and talked to art. >> art had just been convicted, he was still in the courthouse lock-up. mac tried the old buddy-buddy approach. >> i says, art, you're not a killer. i said, you might have a fetish with 13, 14, 15-year-old girls, but you're not a killer. i said, tell me what happened that day. he says, i panicked. he said, it got out of control and i killed her. i said, but where did you put her, art? you need to tell me where you put her. he said, mac, i can't tell you that. >> the detective playing buddy-buddy was all well and good, but clearly ream had no incentive to give up the information. his murder one conviction carried with it an automatic