i've heard all the war stories. >> officer jarrod mcmillan has been on the frontline at wabash for four years now. the war stories have come from his mother and father, both of whom are also on wabash's correction staff. >> it's the kind of environment that you don't want everybody in. i wouldn't let my daughter here but she's not meant for this. he's a little tougher. and my wife is real tough. they can handle it. >> but the younger officer mcmillan was recently put to the test. as he was escorting one inmate, another inmate unleashed a violent attack. >> he stuck his arm out with a bottle full of feces and urine and started flinging it everywhere, i had it on my face, my uniform, my pants. it was in the corner of my mouth. he actually got it in my mouth. i had to wait for somebody to come take pictures of it. so he could be prosecuted for that. then i went up front and took a

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