she came very close to striking that guardrail. >> she made it. >> ulvestad is driving one handed. the other is gripping her cell phone. she's terrified but manages a joke. >> i guess maybe i should be a nascar driver. >> look out, danica. >> yeah, maybe she could have some competition, hey? >> yeah. >> the laughter is brief. there's traffic ahead. >> oh, my god. now i'm coming into des moines. can't they do something? i can't do this in des moines. >> ulvestad has been driving for more than 30 minutes at speeds up to 119 miles per hour, and her gas tank is still three-quarters full. fearing she won't be able to control the car much longer, ulvestad makes another attempt to stop. >> when she pressed on the brake and pulled up on the gas, she said, oh, it shook. i said, do it again. she goes, i am, i am. she's like, it's slowing down.