my husband to send them home this would be good for me. >> i think i could get you one. >> let's start. >> i gave her an eight for the pitch and a six for the product. i think you were great. i think you covered all the major points, you had enthusiasm. i think maybe if you could speak a little bit more about the competition in their pitch that would be helpful. i think on the product side i do see the need for this. i think this there is also a lot of other technology already on the marketplace and so if you could maybe articulate more clearly why it is that this is different and safe and not hackable and i think that would go a long way. >> perfect. those are related, the eight and the six there. tanya? >> i gave you an eight on the product and a nine on the pitch. i'll talk about the product. i didn't know i was nervous about it but i am now that you talk about it. anything which starts technology