right where we're standing. >> luckily, no one's injured in the attack. the eugene generals wind up winning the game 8-5. matt vassel chooses not to press charges against his attacker, but the totems scratched player receives a 14-game suspension. >> i don't think he thought about any consequences that might come up from what he did. it was just kind of like a dire type of thing to do, to just do whatever he could to hurt us, because they knew we were going on in the playoffs. >> vassel's still talking to english. oh, what happened there? one of the fans came in! >> john strong looks back in amazement when he thinks about the night the action moved off the ice. >> that was completely unique. that was completely outlandish. it was completely beyond anything that i had seen then and anything we have seen since. >> if you think a spectator attack from the stands is an unusual occurrence, watch what happens to spectators when the stands themselves come crashing