using it, versus the debate where it seemed to be a little bit more geared towards isis videos being a recruitment tool and using donald trump and probably will pass a lot of fact checking muster. >> we heard a short while ago, beth, ted cruz saying that this may come down to a two-person race of him and donald trump and this is good for america, a good choice for america. in fact, in another poll it shows that in head to head competition with hillary clinton, putting that up on the screen, he's polling at 44%, hillary clinton polling at 44% and he could make argument on a national level, he is better off than donald trump. why is cruz rising in the polls right now do you think? >> i think a couple of reasons. he's given very good debates. if you like that sort of thing. which obviously many in the republican party do. muscular assertions of foreign policy, carpet bomb isis, things like that. the race is a national security race right now and walking very