many in the rest of the field were saying. you have marco rubio attacking ted cruz for voting against some of the defense bills. it changed in a direction lindsey graham had been warning it would for a long, long time. i think, and steve touched on this, for lindsey graham this is also mostly about his home state, right? so i had reported earlier this month the party essentially set a deadline for him. they said, hey, if you want to make sure that your name isn't going to be on these ballots in south carolina, you have to tell us by december 21st otherwise the orders are going to go out, all the different counties print their own ballots. they said weigh can't guarantee you're not going to show up. first of all, it puts graham himself in jeopardy. if he's on the ballots, he doesn't get enough votes, he risks embarrassment. but second of all, it also risks taking away votes from, frankly, an establishment-type contender who would be somebody that senator graham himself could accept, somebody like a jeb bush, somebody like maybe a marco rubio or a chris christie and he doesn't want to put