with that statement. that islam is not compatible with the values of america. so if you want to understand -- so i understand where david -- >> let me make the point. >> i understand where david wants to go to make -- to score a political point and say, no -- >> where are you guys on this? >> this is reflective -- you asked the question, david, of every american who answered yes in that poll. >> i would be happy to ask -- >> that's where the country is. >> leaders are different, michael. you know that. >> the reasons are the reasons. that's what motivates these individuals behind the candidates. understand that. >> before we get any further in interrupting each other -- >> by the way -- >> we're interrupting! we're interrupting, stop. the problem is that if you ask a poll question like that, people may respond to a number of things that aren't violent. they may not like, they understand islam's attitude towards women. they have to be quiet and wear a burka and they may not like that. there are a couple of things they may not like, all the way to beheadings. it covers a lot of territory.