florida. this is pod 7 delta, a medical and mental health unit for detainees. it's an open cell area with one deputy supervising 72 inmates who roam about the pod. the colonel overseeing all jail systems and courts in hills bo ro county. >> it sounds a little scary at first when you think about it, but we found it to be a highly successful management tool. if you violate the rules, you're moved to a higher level of confinement. >> it's 12:45 p.m., and they've just finished their lunch. out of nowhere, 24-year-old douglas burden charges detective moon and strangles him. >> he went into what's called rear naked choke. you cut the blood supply off to the brain. when it's supplied right and locked in, it's very few seconds before the person loses consciousness. >> three inmates from the same pod are on the scene, and at first look, it seems like a