quickly. it was just -- it was -- it was true ly overwhelming to see all of the agencies that got here and got here in a hurry, to provide us assistance. nobody hesitated. people knew what their job was, their job was to try to bring some calm to chaos. >> now to shiba russell, my colleague there in new york city. and shiba, you can see from the lieutenant that ark of trying to move forward and part of that, we're now closer and more forward than we have ever been here, closest to the crime scene right behind us. >> there are still more details that we are sure to learn about today. richard lui reporting for us live from california. we are going to turn to political reaction now, to the shooting in california. and it was a big part of a busy thursday on capitol hill. senate republicans overwhelmingly rejected new gun control legislation. twice yesterday democrats tried to attach new provisions on to a budget bill, including the ability to bar suspected