he's psychotic, man. >> fair warning. we're about to show you some very graphic videotape. >> within hours the 12 gunshots echo from television screens across the nation. emilio nunez is caught and arrested in texas two days later. but there would be seven years of legal delays before the case ever makes it to a courtroom. seven years for george to think about what happened in front of him that day. >> you know, it's just like, why? we've all done stories, you know. they're sentimental, they're sad. somebody's death is involved, this or that, but nobody has a right to do what he did. >> despite the fact that many in the country had seen the shooting, emilio pleads not guilty to the first-degree murder of his ex-wife, and what would seem like such a clear-cut case with a crime caught on camera would turn out to be much more complicated. >> he was driven to a mental state that caused him to snap. >> defense attorney rehamberto diaz would go after the