from debate to debate to debate, it really has not been clear which candidates would qualify for either the main stage debate or for this weird innovation we've come up with this year, which is the kids' table debate, the so-called undercard debate. from debate to debate to debate, it's never been clear, oftentimes until the very last second, who gets in and who doesn't. but with all of that. with all of the consternation and criticism and ad hoc suspense of this year's debate process, there is one way in which this republican debate season has been a huge, unqualified success. and that is the size of the audience. more people are watching this time around than last time around by a mile. the debate this week on the fox business channel actually had the weakest showing of all the debates so far this year, but it still got 13.5 million viewers. that is still nearly double the audience for the highest-rated primary debate in the whole last election. the least-watched debate this