by the way, you asked who is going to be subject to attack. what i wouldn't be surprised by the there's a ganging up on rubio because i think both bush from the one side and ted cruz from other side have an interest in going at him. and that's the attack i'm looking for even if the attack didn't do very well for jeb bush the first time around. >> on the bernie versus hillary campaign, an nbc/"wall street journal" poll shows bernie doing better. hillary clinton, 50% to 42% against donald trump, beats him. bernie sanders, basically the aim, 50%-41%. bernie sanders, 46%-41% on marco rubio. jonathan, that's all within the margin of error. to say it's better is, you know, splitting hairs. >> it's a bit of a wash and it's the argument that hillary clinton made about barack obama in 2008 that she had better