are not structuring their compensation in a way that would attract great sales people so i would suggest to her don't worry about some formal business development program. get some great sales people. go ibm on your company, right? that was a tech company and those guys were always run by a salesperson, entire history since tom watson and the key is you figure out how much of your sales you're willing to pay out. say you're willing to pay out enough to make a great sales guy 500,000 bucks a year, 500 grand and it leaves you with 50% gross profit. you're golden. what you should be doing is paying those people, they will make it run for you, and you should hope that they end up making more money than you do. >> what's interesting, it sounds like she has a great partner, she's grown enough through referrals and word of mouth. >> they have a great product. >> so it would be something i would imagine that would be interesting for a salesperson. >> what they don't have is a systematic marketing plan. she's probably only selling when she has no business, right? we can't sell anything to