as michael steele, an msnbc political analyst and former head of the rnc, and kathleen parker, an msnbc political analyst and syndicated writer. hail, hail, the gang's all here. we will talk all things jeb. let me talk about what donald rumsfeld had said in terms of that response that he gave, saying bush 41 getting up there in years and misjudges bush 43 who i found made his own decisions. there are hundreds of memos on that represent advice that the dod gave the president. unpack this and also the original statement, bush's reaction and what it means to his forecast presidentially. >> first of all, the rivalry. that might be the polite term for it, between donald rumsfeld and george h.w. bush, the 41st president, is legendary in washington and it goes back decades. these two when gerald ford and richard nixon were president, these two were very competitive with each other. george h.w. bush let it be known he did not trust donald