those are problems we know what we want. we can work towards them. but in vietnam, there's just no clear solution in sight so those were very tough years for her. >> let's get a taste of the southern world. texas world. here's a phone call, lbj wasn't the only politician in the family. let's listen. >> i hope you have a wonderful new year. and wait a minute. a.w. wants to speak on behalf of me and wesley and a few of them here after this girl talks to you. >> all right. >> senator? >> honey, how are you? >> i'm fine. >> seeing you and approval that i want more of yours and in the paper. >> there's nobody's approval that i want more than yours. >> oh lord, what a politician. no wonder lyndon johnson is president. >> what's behind all that syrup? syrup. so much syrup there. >> she was a tough person. you see that from the first essay she wrote in school and many of the conversations with him. but when she wanted to turn on the charm, she was a real people