it read like a how-to guide for committing a sex crime, it included a list of supplies. hood, glasses, video, and digital cameras. >> it's more than just a checklist. either someone is planning a very heinous mutilation, sexual assault crime and murder, or it's a fantasy. but either way it's extremely important to us and our investigation and very startling. >> as detectives dug deeper, they discovered this -- while kim was stealing underwear from dorms and laundry rooms, he had also developed a bizarre fetish for collecting lint from clothes dryers. in kim's home they discovered a bag of some of that lint labeled with the name of an oregon state university swim team member. like brooke wilberger, she was young, blond, blue-eyed and she used to hang out a lot with other swimmers in corvallis, right here at the oak park apartments. so i'm imagining red flags are going off all over the place