ron hersburg and tom reeder worked the case. and in the days after the murder, a clear picture of a suspect emerged. an exchange student from iran, a former boyfriend named abbass esfehani. >> interviewed the parents. and they had had a conversation with their daughter a couple days before this homicide that she did not want to see him anymore. that she was scared of him because of his temper. >> two critical pieces of evidence linked esfehani to the crime scene. his fingerprint on a rail leading upstairs to the room where the body was found and dark hairs left on cheryl miller's body, found to be similar to those found on a hair brush belonging to esfehani. >> they were strikingly similar according to the michigan state police. >> strikingly similar? >> right. >> did you get a chance to interview esfehani? >> we never did get a chance to interview mr. esfehani. >> it turned out that just days after miller's murder, he had sold his car, left many of his belongings in saginaw, and a week ahead of schedule got on a plane in detroit and flew home