charlie had seen the inside of a jail cell. after anna's disappearance, her family was stunned to learn he had been imprisoned in 1998 for 4 1/2 years for running what police called new york city's largest stolen car ring. anna's family made another shocking discovery. five months after he was released from prison, his sister-in-law, elizabeth bump, vanished without a trace. it was rumored the two were having an affair. >> as soon as he gets out of jail, bump disappears. then he starts dating my sister that following year. he was a control freak, an abuser. boom, she disappears. who else could it be? >> anna's step-dad, phil, went to confront charlie. after a half hour of questions, phil got the impression charlie was not telling him the truth. >> i asked him how it was that he wasn't looking for anna marie after she had disappeared.